Last modified: Nov. 26, 2024, 2:24 p.m.
A very rare and local species in Belgium.
Head ochreous, mixed with some white scales; forewing ground colour pale ochreous, white pattern consisting of a sinuose basal streak, often connected to the first costal stria; four or five costal and four dorsal striae, without any edging; some darker brown scales in the apical area.
A light greyish-brown to brown, elongated mine (15–20 mm), under the bark of young, green twigs, most commonly between two ribs.
See also and
The egg is oviposited at the tip of a young, green shoot. The caterpillar mines downwards from this spot. Pupation inside the mine. After emergence of the adult, the pupal skin protrudes from the mine.
One generation a year during May and June.
The species is monophagous on Cytisus scoparius.
Dry, sandy, and xerothermic places.