Veronica chamaedrys Host plant species

From genus: Veronica

Information in this section was automatically retrieved from Wikipedia/Wikidata and is not endorsed by the Flemish Entomological Society.

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Vernacular names: [[ vernacularNamesAsStr ]]

IUCN conservation status:

More details about [[ speciesName ]] at: GBIF Wikipedia iNaturalist

Observed lepidoptera species

  • Cauchas fibulella [Dwerglangsprietmot (NL), Little Long-horn (EN)]
  • Stenoptilia pterodactyla [Ereprijsvedermot (NL), le Ptérophore ptérodactyle (FR), Ehrenpreis-Federmotte (DE)]
  • Melitaea athalia [Bosparelmoervlinder (NL), Heath Fritillary (EN), Mélitée des mélampyres (FR), Gemeiner Scheckenfalter (DE)]