Seq # 500280010

Diasemiopsis ramburialis (Duponchel, 1834) Species

Last modified: Nov. 1, 2023, 12:09 p.m.

First observation of this very rare and local species in Belgium was in 1961 (LG). Recently seen again in 2021 at Werken (WV).


Family: Crambidae > Subfamily: Spilomelinae > Tribus: Nomophilini > Genus: Diasemiopsis > Species: Diasemiopsis ramburialis
Vernacular names
Agaatlichtmot (NL)
First mention in Belgium
Janmoulle E. 1962e. Diasemia ramburialis Dup. (Pyralidae, Pyraustinae) en Belgique. — Lambillionea 62: 5. On page 5.


Recent observations after 2004: 1 ex. on 12.ix.2021 at Werken (WV), leg. J. Quartier. 1 ex. on 28.ix.2023 at Borchtlombeek (VB), leg. T. Boumon. 1 ex. on 25.x.2023 at Herne (VB), leg. F. Bossuyt.



Wingspan 17–22 mm. The moths are gray or brown in color, with ocher dusting, with two large jagged white lines across each wing. The wing edge is outlined in brown and towards the outside there is a hatch of the same color that extends to the fringes of the wing. The palps are brown, the head has a tuft of ocher hair on the upper part, the thorax is brown mottled with white, while the abdomen is brown with thin white lines.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature

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The larvae live in a silken web at the water surface.

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Flight periods

The moths can be seen from June till October.

Observed on


The monophagous larva feeds on Salvinaceae like Azolla filiculoides and possibly other aquatic plants.

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