Seq # 290010010

Blastobasis adustella Walsingham, 1894 Species

Last modified: Jan. 22, 2025, 7:17 p.m.

For the first time recorded from Belgium in 2008. A second specimen was observed during August 2019. Hitherto only observations in WV and AN.


Family: Blastobasidae > Genus: Blastobasis > Species: Blastobasis adustella
Vernacular names
Donkere spaandermot (NL)
First mention in Belgium
De Prins W., De Prins G. & Larsen K. 2009. Blastobasis adustella (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae, Blastobasinae), new to the Belgian list. — Phegea 37(3): 111–118. On page 111. view page


A native species to Madeira from where it probably was introduced unintentionally to Ireland in the beginning of the 20th century. The first record from the European continent dates from 2002 when a specimen was found at Den Helder (province of Noord-Holland, The Netherlands).


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Wingspan is between 15–20 mm.

Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature


The larva is whitish with a light brown head capsule.

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An elliptical, tough cocoon woven with white silk and covered with fine particles of earth.

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The species hibernates in the pupal stage, sometimes twice.

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Flight periods

One generation a year from mid-July till September.

Observed on

Decaying vegetable matter

The caterpillar has been found in a great variety of vegetable matter, including decaying vegetable matter like under seed-containing bird droppings on Abies grandis, in midge-galls on Salix caprea, on Juniperus, in spongy galls on Quercus, mine the needles of Picea spp. and Taxus baccata etc...

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Has a preference for woodland with a lot of Taxus.

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