Seq # 115100265

Stigmella mespilicola (Frey, 1856) Species

Last modified: Nov. 7, 2024, 4:42 p.m.

First observation for Belgium was in 2016 in NA. Status insufficiently known due to the difficulty of several Stigmella species mining on the same food plant, but a very rare species anyway.


Family: Nepticulidae > Genus: Stigmella > Species: Stigmella mespilicola
Vernacular names
Elsbesmineermot (NL), Wild-service Pigmy (EN)
First mention in Belgium
Wullaert S. 2017b. Resultaten van de Werkgroep Bladmineerders uit 2016 met meldingen van minerende en andere zeldzame Lepidoptera in België en met 5 nieuwe soorten voor de Belgische fauna (Coleophoridae, Tortricidae, Gelechiidae en Nepticulidae). — Phegea 45(3): 79–96. On page 91. view page



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The mine is a short rapidly widening gallery with frass deposited in a broad interrupted central line.

See also

Flight periods

This species is bivoltine and mines can be found in July and again in September and October.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Sorbus aria, Sorbus torminalis and Sorbus intermedia
Host plant (genera):
Cotoneaster and Amelanchier

The host plants for this species are Sorbus aria, S. torminalis, Amelanchier and Cotoneaster.

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