Seq # 902430010

Senta flammea (Curtis, 1828) Species

Last modified: May 7, 2024, 1:26 p.m.

A very rare and local species in Belgium. Most observations in the Kempen.

This species is considered Endangered according to the IUCN Red List category for Flanders 2023.


Family: Noctuidae > Subfamily: Hadeninae > Tribus: Hadenini > Genus: Senta > Species: Senta flammea
Vernacular names
Gevlamde rietuil (NL), Flame Wainscot (EN), La Leucanie du Roseau (FR), Striemen-Schilfeule (DE)
First mention in Belgium
Derenne F. 1929. Espèce nouvelle pour la faune belge Senta (Nonagria) maritima Tausch. — Lambillionea 29: 122. On page 122.



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Wingspan 32–40 mm.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature


Hibernates as a pupa, usually in a broken, but standing, hollow reed stem sealed with silk.
The adults come readily to light.

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Flight periods

The adults fly from beginning of May till end of June in one generation a year.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Phragmites australis

The larva lives on Phragmites australis.

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