Seq # 185330590

Phyllonorycter viminetorum (Stainton, 1854) Species

Last modified: Nov. 26, 2024, 2:35 p.m.

A very local and very rare species in Belgium.


Family: Gracillariidae > Subfamily: Lithocolletinae > Genus: Phyllonorycter > Species: Phyllonorycter viminetorum
Vernacular names
Grauwe wilgenvouwmot (NL), Osier midget (EN), Korbweiden-Faltenminierer (DE)
First mention in Belgium
Lambillion L.-J. 1904c. No title. — Revue mensuelle de la Société entomologique namuroise 4: 43–44. On page 43.



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Head brown; forewing ground colour dark brown, white pattern consisting of a basal streak, not edged; a patch on dorsum near the base which is sometimes connected to the basal streak; four costal and three dorsal striae, the first pair of which are sometimes connected into a chevron, the distal ones sometimes very small.

Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature

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An elongated tentiform mine on the underside of a leaf, mainly situated near the leaf basis. The last instar applies a lot of silk, contracting the mine into a tube. At first the underside of the mine is greyish green, the same colour as the leaf, but later on, it turns light brown to brown. Sometimes, two mines may occur on the same leaf. The frass is concentrated in one corner of the mine.
See also and

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A very flimsy spinning occupying the inside of the entire mine. Pupa light brown.

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The species hibernates in the pupal stage, among leaf litter on the ground. After emergence of the adult, the pupal skin protrudes from the mine.

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Flight periods

Two generations a year in May–June and August–September.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Salix viminalis

The species is strictly monophagous on Salix viminalis.

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